Glassdoor is offering internship opportunity as REVOtic Engineering Frontend Web App Developmen


Internship Duration
Two Months / 40 Days / 240 Hours

Internship Details
As a intern you will get complete training on frontend web app development. You will learn HTML framework creation, CSS and SCSS styling, Javascript and Javascript based libraries. You will learn to develop and reuse HTML modular frontend components. You will learn to develop web application with cross platform compatibility, fluid design, fast and clean. You will also learn core WordPress Front-end development.

Skills Required
HTML, CSS, Javascript
Skills Preferred
Basic programming knowledge C, C++ etc.
Web hosting
website development
Photo editing
Internship Location
Sector 7 - Rohini, Delhi, India

Internship Offers
It will be paid Internship. Candidates will learn, practice and implement what they learned side by side. After successful completion. Candidates will be offered full time job and internship completion certificate.

Join Internship
Send your properly formatted resume with your photo to our HR. Do mention your education background. We do not reply to the lots of entries which do not meet the requirement. So mention everything and clearly.

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[ Article by: seed it solutions ]

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