Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 11/42

Q: Architecture began :

 P. to build their own shelters 

Q. on ready-made ones

R. when early people started 

S. rather than relying 

such as trees and caves.
Solution: The correct answer is: RPSQ
Q: The train had left.
A. simple present
B. past continuous
C. past future
D. past perfect
Solution: The correct answer is past perfect. It is used for actions that started and finished in the past before another action started. That other action also occurred in the past. Because the past perfect is a part of the “perfect” tense, it expresses completed actions. That is, the action that started in the past is finished, or complete.
Q: He goes to work.
A. simple past
B. present
C. past perfect
D. past future perfect
Solution: The correct answer is: present
Q: We should plan our leisure carefully:

 P. The activity we choose should make us happy. 

Q. We should choose some interesting and useful activity. 

R. It should increase our confidence.

S. We should then work at it during our leisure. 

That is the way to be healthy, wealthy and happy
Solution: The correct answer is: QPSR
Q: Read the following passage and answer the question that follows:

The painting, which is in poor condition, suggests that a highly advanced artistic culture existed some 44,000 years ago, punctuated by folklore, religious myths and spiritual belief. The scene may be regarded not only as the earliest dated figurative art in the world but also as the oldest evidence for the communication of a narrative in Palaeolithic art. "This is noteworthy, given that the ability to invent fictional stories may have been the last and most crucial stage in the evolutionary history of human language and the development of modern-like patterns of cognition” researchers said.

Which of the following can be BEST concluded from the passage?
A.  Advanced cognitive abilities of Palaeolithic people is substantiated by the painting
B. Evolution of modern-day languages started with Palaeolithic era, evidenced through the painting
C. Palaeolithic people possessed advanced artistic culture, evidenced through paintings.
D. The painting puts chronological context to the evolution of modern-like cognitive abilities.
Solution: The correct answer is:
The painting puts chronological context to the evolution of modern-like cognitive abilities.

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