Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 41/42

A. Depressing
B. Witty
C. Entertaining
D. Comical
Solution: morose, depressing, dramatic, gloomy, tragic, uncomical, boring, tiring, unfunny, sad, unpleasant, serious.
The correct answer is:
Q: _________to be a good swimmer, you should know how to hold your breath for a while
A. For while
B. In order
C. Inplace
D. However since
Solution: The correct answer is:
In order
Q: Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct
A.  At the end of the function. a lot of food were throwed away in the dustbin
B. At the end of the function a lot of food was thrown away in the dustbin
C.  At the end of the function. a lot of food were thrown away in the dustbin
D.  At the end of the function. a lot of food was throwed away in the dustbin
Solution: The correct answer is:
At the end of the function a lot of food was thrown away in the dustbin
Q: This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited.
A. When
B. Where
C. How
D. None of these
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited.
A. When
B. None of these
C. How
D. Where
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Pay attention to your work _________ you will not make mistakes.
A. So that
B. None of these
C. Or
D. Unless
Solution: “So that” means “in order to” which answers the question “Why?” We use it to begin adverb clauses of purpose. 

The correct answer is:
So that
Q: Medical scientists have not yet discovered what causes muscular dystrophy, an inherited disorder that strikes nerve tissue and cripples its victim. ---- do they know what causes sudden death syndrome?
A. So
B. But
C. Too
D. Nor
Solution: "nor" is almost always used to connect two thoughts or items in a sentence that has an established negative tense. You can technically use "nor" without using any other negative term, but this is very rarely done.

The correct answer is:

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