Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 15/42

Q: castigate is most similar to
A. celebrate
B. banish
C. punish
D. neuter
Solution: to castigate means to subject to severe punishment

The correct answer is: punish
Q: tumid is most similar to
A. aggressive
B. fetid
C. despondent
D. swollen
Solution: tumid means puffy or swollen

The correct answer is: swollen
Q: enjoin is most dissimilar to
A. permit
B. dislike
C. divorce
D. sever
Solution: enjoin means to forbid or prohibit, therefore permit is the opposite

The correct answer is: permit
Q: Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word. : BLASPHEMOUS
A. Convict
B. Impious
C. Gather
D. begrudge
Solution: The correct answer is Impious.BLASPHEMOUS means sacrilegious against God or sacred things; profane.
The correct answer is: Impious
Q: We usually read articles before publication
A. We usually read articles before publication
B. We read articles the day we publish them
C. We do not read articles after publication
D. None of these
Solution: The correct answer is:
We usually read articles before publication
Q: The prefix meaning external is
A. post
B. intra
C. exo
D. endo
Solution: The correct answer is: exo
Q: This newspaper is a BIWEEKLY.
A. The newspaper is published three times a week
B. The newspaper is published once a week
C. The newspaper is published twice a week
D. None
Solution: The correct answer is:
The newspaper is published twice a week
Q: She works for a _________ national company. It has offices in over 30 countries.
A. fn
B. bi
C. inter
D. multi
Solution: The correct answer is: multi
Q: The result of the tournament gave them a sense of elation.
A. despondency
B. misery
C. disappointment
D. despair
Solution: The Correct answer is : despair
Q: Opposite of BUSY
A. Occupied
B. Engrossed
C. Relaxed
D. Engaged
Solution: The Correct answer is : Relaxed

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