Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 14/42

Q: Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word. : AUDACITY?
A. Insolence
B. Boasting
C. Dislike
D. Agree
Solution: The correct answer is Insolence.AUDACITY means a willingness to take bold risks..
The correct answer is: Insolence
Q: Which of the following is the prefix of ‘Driver’?
A. Over
B. Mis
C. Tn
D. Co
Solution: The correct answer is: Co
Q: reconnoiter is most dissimilar to
A. disregard
B. distance
C. disarm
D. disassemble
Solution: reconnoiter means to gain information or to explore; disregard means to pay no attention to

The correct answer is: disregard
Q:  In many countries, it is ___ legal to keep a gun in your house
A. in
B. kn
C. il
D. un
Solution: The correct answer is:il
Q: Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word. : ASSASSIN
A. Slayer
B. Heroic
C. Record
D. Victim
Solution: The correct answer is Slayer. ASSASSIN means ha person who murders an important person for political or religious reasons..
The correct answer is: Slayer
Q: jejune is most similar to
A. youthful
B. insipid
C. charming
D. quick
Solution: jejune means lacking in substance or interest; insipid means lacking in qualities to excite or interest

The correct answer is: insipid
Q: obloquy is most similar to
A. oval
B. dependence
C. tirade
D. circumlocution
Solution: obloquy means abusive language; tirade means harshly censorious language

The correct answer is: tirade
Q: recondite is most dissimilar to
A. hardy
B. give
C. patent
D. obscure
Solution: recondite means hidden from sight or obscure; patent means readily visible or intelligible

The correct answer is: patent
Q: ecumenical is most dissimilar to
A. humanistic
B. secular
C. parochial
D. spiritual
Solution: ecumenical means of or relating to the whole body of churches, or universal; parochial means of or relating to a parish, or limited in scope or range

The correct answer is: parochial
Q: Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word. : BENEVOLENCE
A. Kindness
B. Adopt
C. Secure
D. Greetings
Solution: The correct answer is Kindness.BENEVOLENCE means the quality of being well meaning; kindness.
The correct answer is: Kindness

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