Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 21/42

Q: One part of the sentence below may contain an error, Identify the error.

In the evening, Bhushan took his seat on the window of that empty house.
A. Of that empty house
B. On the window
C. Bhushan took his seat
D. In the evening
Solution: The correct answer is:
On the window
Q: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate pair of words from the options given below.

Information _______ defined as a collection of symbols which,____________ combined, communicates a message or intelligence.
A. Should / which
B. Should be / which
C. Can be / where
D. Can be / when
Solution: The correct answer is:
Can be / when
Q: Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word. : DESPAIR?
A. carelessness
B. negligence
C. Laziness
D. meticulousness
Solution: The correct answer is meticulousness.It is the quality of being very careful and paying great attention to every detail.
The correct answer is: meticulousness
Q: Which of the following sentences does NOT use informal language?
A. Sorry, I could not come by last night.
B. Sorry, I could not attend your party last night.
C. Can you pick up ice on your way back?
D. The professor’s lecture was way over my head.
Solution: The correct answer is:
The professor’s lecture was way over my head.
Q: Find the synonym of relinquish?
A. retain
B. repudiate
C. bind
D. Vanquish
Solution: The correct answer is repudiate. It means to leave behind or reject something.
The correct answer is: repudiate
Q: For the four sentence (S1 to S4) paragraph given below, sentences S1 & S4 are given.From the options P,Q and R, choose appropriate sentences for S2 & S3.

S-1: It is neither the size nor the length of the life which makes manhuman
S-4: Man is not like a tree

P: The man may physically attain the size of a giant, yet intellectually he may remain a dwarf 
Q: The growth of mind and intellect is never in proportion to the growth of the human body 
R: My friend’s brother was a dwarf
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: For the four-sentence (S1 to S4) paragraph given below, sentences S1 & S4 are given. From the options P,Q and R, choose appropriate sentences for S2 & S3.

S-1: The 1940 version of the movie, Pinocchio, is no exception 
 S-4: Surprisingly, his character in the movie is not as prominent as it is in the book

P: Jimmy cricket appears as the talking cricket in the book 
Q:The movie is based on a story that appeared as a serial in a newspaper called The Adventures of Pinocchio written by Carlo Collod 
R: It was written in 1881 and 1882
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate pair of words from the options given below.

As WHO and partners work together on the response - tracking the pandemic,___________ on critical interventions, distributing vital medical supplies to those in mind - they are still____________ to find a vaccine.
A. Advised / raced
B. Advise / racing
C. Advising / race
D. Advising / racing
Solution: The correct answer is:
Advising / racing
Q: Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the
given word. : CONTEMPT
A. negligence
B. Confined
C. Disregard
D. Regard
Solution: The correct answer is Disregard.It is the the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration.
The correct answer is: Disregard
Q: Which of the following sentences does NOT use informal language?
A. Is there anything else you want to ask?
B. Did you locate our office quite easily?
C.  You will be working with different managers during your training
D. We shall endeavour to inform you of the position in two weeks time
Solution: The correct answer is:
We shall endeavour to inform you of the position in two weeks time

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