Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 18/42

Q: Choose the Antonyms of Quiescent
A. Active
B. Prescient
C. Dull
D. Lackadaisical
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Choose the Synonyms of Knavish
A. Decrease
B. Compress
C. Virtuous
D. Rigorous
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the
given word. : CONTEMPT
A. Regard
B. negligence
C. Confined
D. Disregard
Solution: The correct answer is Disregard.It is the the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration.
The correct answer is: Disregard
Q:  Choose the Synonyms of Grumble
A. Changeless
B. Stringent
C. Bellyache
D. Invariable
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Identify the errored sentence in the given options
A. favorites to make them relevant
B. and appeal to a new, young player.
C. Retro has gone geek, with board-game
D. creator reinvent or tweaking old
Solution: The correct answer is:
creator reinvent or tweaking old
Q: It should be “cirrhosis of the liver”, he said, adding that if alcohol abuse caused cirrhosis, then its______________must be stopped first.
A. hold
B. intake
C. give
D. absorption
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Identify the errored sentence in the given options
A. counted and categorized, have been
B. In its newly revamp version, traditional
C. bank notes that were carefully collected
D. replaced by debit cards and swipe machines.
Solution: The correct answer is:
In its newly revamp version, traditional
Q: The deaths of young people in subsequent protests further aggravated the local population’s______________about failing to keep young men and women out of harm’s way.
A. assurance
B. anxiety
C. provision
D. apprehension
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Identify the errored sentence in the given options
A. of that technique may be during
B. Since visible light cannot penetrate
C. surgery to know tumor spread.
D. human tissue, the potential application
Solution: The correct answer is:
of that technique may be during
Q: Choose the Antonyms of Foster
A. Believe
B. Discourage
C. Brag
D. Heal
Solution: The correct answer is:

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