Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 7/42

Q: colossal is most opposite to
A. tiny
B. roof
C. easy
D. graceful
Solution: colossal means incredibly large, therefore tiny is the opposite

The correct answer is: tiny
Q: Labor is most opposite to
A. strive
B. amuse
C. cat
D. rest
Solution: to labor means to work; to rest means to cease working

The correct answer is: rest
Q: inept is most opposite to
A. infer
B. competent
C. clumsy
D. foolish
Solution: inept means to lack competence, therefore competent is the opposite

The correct answer is: competent
Q: pivotal is most opposite to
A. wavy
B. clear
C. unimportant
D. turning
Solution: pivotal means very important, or crucial, therefore unimportant is the opposite

The correct answer is: unimportant
Q: Correct the sentence if necessary.

 Physics are their favorite subject.
A. Physics is their favorite subject.
B. Physics are their favorite subject.
C. a & b
D. None of the above
Solution: The correct answer is:
Physics is their favorite subject.
Q: stingy is most dissimilar to
A. spiteful
B. liberal
C. democratic
D. wasteful
Solution: one meaning of liberal is giving freely, or generous; stingy means lacking generosity

The correct answer is: liberal
Q: Find the Antonym of Latent?
A. embryonic
B. suppressed
C. Dormant
D. Overt
Solution: The correct answer is Overt. Latent means existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed.
The correct answer is: Overt
Q: Find the Antonym of Manifestation?
A. demonstration
B. symptom
C. obscurity
D. expression
Solution: The correct answer is obscurity. Manifestation means an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical.
The correct answer is: obscurity
Q: Find the Antonym of Solicit?
A. crave
B. implore
C. Grant
D. Importune
Solution: The correct answer is Grant.Solicit means existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed.
The correct answer is: Grant
Q: Find the Antonym of Vehement?
A. Apathetic
B. passionate
C. Fervent
D. suppressed
Solution: The correct answer is Apathetic. Vehement means showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
The correct answer is: Apathetic

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