Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 27/42

Q: Select the option most nearly Opposite to the word-AMEND
A. Worsen
B. Repair
C. Enhance
D. Finish
Solution: AMEND: make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances.

The correct answer is:
Q: What is the author likely to agree to in the following?
A. None of these
B. Some cultures suffer corruptions while others do not
C. Bribery is not a cultural phenomenon
D.  Social factors incline a society towards corruption
Solution: The correct answer is:
Bribery is not a cultural phenomenon
Q: What is bribe generally called in China?
A. Refresco
B. Envelopes
C. Hand-over
D. Bakhsheesh
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: In summary, what does the passage primarily suggest and provide evidence for?
A. Corruption is always concealed in some way, both linguistically and in the process
B. Corruption is an unethical practice
C. Corruption exists only in developing economies
D. Corruption slows down GDP
Solution: The correct answer is:
Corruption is always concealed in some way, both linguistically and in the process
Q: Which of the following the author does not identify as a linguistic manifestation of corruption?
A.  Use of quasi-official terminology
B.  Use of double meanings
C. Relate to food item
D. Asking for a favor
Solution: The correct answer is:
Asking for a favor
Q: The teacher stopped teaching class VII as there were many________ students in the class.
A. Misdisciplined
B. Nondisciplined
C. Indisciplined
D. Undisciplined
Solution: Indisciplined: lack of discipline. Other Words from indiscipline Example Sentences Learn More about indiscipline.

The correct answer is:
Q: In the first ten years after the_____________ of the UGC Act, eight institutions were granted deemed university status.
A. Implification
B. Statement
C. Enactment
D. Issue
Solution: Enactment: the process of passing legislation.

The correct answer is:
Q: Select the correct option that fills the blank(s) to make the sentence meaningfully complete. _______________Negligence of the transport company, lot of our goods were damaged intransit.
A. Since the
B. Reason being
C. Due to
D. Despite of
Solution: The correct answer is:
Due to
Q: Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word: INSIDIOUS
A. Sinister
B. Insightful
C. Sincere
D. Naïve
Solution: The correct answer is:

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