Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 36/42

Q: The board announced that the decision to reduce the syllabus is yet to be approved by the competent authority
A. is yet to be approved by the competent authority.
B. The board announced that
C. No error
D. the decision to reduce the syllabus
Solution: The correct answer is:
No error
Q: Mark the option which is closest to the meaning of the word given below

A. Mollify
B. Alleviate
C. Appease
D. Aggravating
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Find of which part of the sentence below has an error and mark the option accordingly
A. When asked
B. Rose
C. Teacher’s attention
D. To catch
Solution: The correct answer is:
To catch
Q: The history of Hindu religion dates _________ ancient times
A. From
B. For
C. None of the mentioned options
D. Since
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about cloud computing and cloud storage. Almost everything in the digital world __________ (are / is/ was) connected to the cloud in some way or another — unless it is specifically kept in local storage for security reasons. As tech giants and startups ______ (find/ found /founded) new ways to organize, process and present data, cloud computing _______ (will / would/ shall) become a more and more integral part of our lives. So what is cloud computing? And, what is the impact of cloud computing on future business strategies? Cloud computing is the _______ (practice / practices/ practising) of using a network of remote servers _______ (host / hosted/ hosting) on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer. What that means for businesses is a workspace that their entire team ______ (could / can / would) interact in, regardless of where they are in the world. It also means that businesses can outsource their computing power instead of________ (invest / invested / investing) in hardware, software, and staff to maintain it. During the next years, it is _______ (predicted / predictable / predictive) that more than a quarter of all applications will be available via the cloud. The huge adoption of cloud services _________ (combine / combined / combines) with a general need to simplify operations, will put a _________ (greater / great / greatest) pressure to create connections between various apps.
A. re find would practice hosted can investing predicted combined great
B. is find will practice hosted can investing predicted combined greater
C.  was found would practice hosted could investing predictive combined greater
D.  is find will practice host can investing predicted combines greatest
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word. : DECADENT
A. lewd
B. impetuous
C. ethical
D. succinct
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word. : HAPLESS
A. fortunate
B. consistent
C. shapely
D. cheerful
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word. : ORTHODOXY
A. unconventionality
B. renown
C. remoteness
D. trepidation
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word. : SUMPTUOUS
A. restrained
B. open
C. partial
D. frequent
Solution: The correct answer is:

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