Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 20/42

Q: Futile ­ SYNONYM
A. Persistent
B. unsuccessful
C. impeccable
D. effective
Solution: futile, vain, fruitless mean producing no result.

The correct answer is:
Q: Each country is responsible to keep ___________ for peace in region.
A. working
B. worked
C. works
D. work
Solution: Working: having paid employment.

The correct answer is:
Q: We want to become internationally _______ interms of technological resarch.
A. familiar
B. notorious
C. great
D. renowned
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: One must consider about any matter before ___________ it.
A. decided
B. decide
C. deciding
D. decides
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word. 

A. Pollutant
B. Translucent
C. Iridescent
D. Transparent
Solution: The correct answer is:
Q: The company _________ increase her salary before the appraisal
A. refuse to
B. refused of
C. was being refused
D. refused to
Solution: The correct answer is:
refused to
Q: Agitate ­ SYNONYM
A. Quite
B. Distrub
C. soothe
D. tranquilize
Solution: The correct answer is:

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