Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 12/42

Q: According to pirate lore, a terrible ______ would follow whoever opened the treasure chest.
A. malediction
B. precursor
C. rendition
D. insurgence
Solution: The correct answer is malediction. malediction means a magical word or phrase uttered with the intention of bringing about evil; a curse.
The correct answer is: malediction
Q: Have you seen the recent Hollywood films.
A. past perfect
B. simple present
C. simple past
D. present perfect
Solution: The correct answer is: present perfect
Q: Find the synonym of Prolific?
A. abundant
B. scarce
C. Unproductive
D. shame
Solution: The correct answer is abundant.Someone or something that is prolific is fruitful or highly productive.
The correct answer is: abundant
Q: 1. Making people laugh is tricky. 

A. At times, the intended humour may simply not come off.

B. Making people laugh while trying to sell them something is a tougher challenge, since the commercial can fall flat on two grounds. 

C. There are many advertisements which do amuse but do not even begin to set the cash tills ringing. 
D. Again, it is rarely sufficient for an advertiser simply to amuse the target audience in order to reap the sales benefit. 

6. There are indications that in substituting the hard sell for a more entertaining approach, some agencies have rather thrown out the baby with the bath water.
Solution: The correct answer is: BADC
Q: 1. High-powered outboard motors were considered to be one of the major threats to the survival of the Beluga whales. 

A. With these, hunters could approach Belugas within hunting range and profit from its inner skin and blubber.

 B. To escape an approaching motor, Belugas have learned to dive to the ocean bottom and stay there for up to 20 minutes, by which time the confused predator has left.

C. Today, however, even with much more powerful engines, it is difficult to come close, because the whales seem to disappear suddenly just when you thought you had them in your sights. 
D. When the first outboard engines arrived in the early 1930s, one came across 4 and 8 HP motors. 

6. Belugas seem to have used their well-known sensitivity to noise to evolve an ‘avoidance’ strategy to outsmart hunters and their powerful technologies.
Solution: The correct answer is: DACB
Q: rudimentary is most similar to
A. crass
B. gracious
C. primitive
D. deliberate
Solution: rudimentary means crude or primitive

The correct answer is: primitive
Q: kinetic is most dissimilar to
A. static
B. cold
C. foolish
D. lewd
Solution: kinetic means relating to motion, or dynamic; static means at rest, or stationary

The correct answer is: static
Q: vacillate is most dissimilar to
A. teeter
B. dilate
C. decide
D. please
Solution: vacillate means to hesitate among choices, or to waver; decide means to choose

The correct answer is: decide
Q: 1. Picture a termite colony, occupying a tall mud hump on an African plain.

 A. Hungry predators often invade the colony and unsettle the balance.
B. The colony flourishes only if the proportion of soldiers to workers remains roughly the same, so that the queen and workers can be protected by the soldiers, and the queen and soldiers can be serviced by the workers.
 C. But its fortunes are presently restored, because the immobile queen, walled in well below ground level, lays eggs not only in large enough numbers, but also in the varying proportions required. 
D. The hump is alive with worker termites and soldier termites going about their distinct kinds of business. 
6. How can we account for her mysterious ability to respond like this to events on the distant surface?
Solution: The correct answer is: DBAC

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