Test-Series - verbal

Test Number 13/42

Q: pitched is most similar to
A. undone
B. lovely
C. heated
D. retracted
Solution: pitched means intensely fought; one meaning of heated is marked by anger

The correct answer is: heated
Q: impudent is most similar to
A. cautious
B. gleeful
C. haphazard
D. insolent
Solution: impudent means contemptuously bold or cocky, or insolent

The correct answer is: insolent
Q: A. This very insatiability of the photographing eye changes the terms of confinement in the cave, our world. 

B. Humankind lingers unregenerately in Plato’s cave, still revelling, its age-old habit, in mere images of truth. 

C. But being educated by photographs is not like being educated by older images drawn by hand; for one thing, there are a great many more images around, claiming our attention. 

D. The inventory started in 1939 and since then just about everything has been photographed, or so it seems. 

E. In teaching us a new visual code, photographs alter and enlarge our notions of what is worth looking at and what we have a right to observe.
Solution: The correct answer is: BCDAE
Q: kowtow is most dissimilar to
A. fawn
B. snub
C. pull
D. forage
Solution: to kowtow means to show fawning deference; to snub means to treat with contempt

The correct answer is: snub
Q: The court has yet to serve him _________ summons for the suit med against him.
A. with
B. for
C. to
D. on
Solution: The correct answer is with."With" is another very old preposition that has many idiomatic uses. The OED records several categories of meanings, including two that are relevant here. The first usage connotes opposition: "I fought with my brother," "Sam is angry with John." The second signifies connection: "I met with my friend," "The letter was written with Sam."
The correct answer is: with
Q: 1. According to recent research, the critical period for developing language skills is between the ages of three and five and a half years.

 A. The read-to child already has a large vocabulary and a sense of grammar and sentence structure. 

B. Children who are read to in these years have a far better chance of reading well in school, indeed, of doing well in all their subjects.

 C. And the reason is actually quite simple.

 D. This correlation is far and away the highest yet found between home influences and school success. 

6. Her comprehension of language is therefore very high.
Solution: The correct answer is: BDCA
Q: lambaste is most similar to
A. marinade
B. tickle
C. commotion
D. censure
Solution: to lambaste means to attack verbally, or to censure

The correct answer is: censure
Q: 1. The reconstruction of history by post-revolutionary science texts involves more than a multiplication of historical misconstructions. 

A. Because they aim quickly to acquaint the student with what the contemporary scientific community thinks it knows, textbooks treat the various experiments, concepts, laws and theories of the current normal science as separately and as nearly seriatim as possible. 

B. Those misconstructions render revolutions invisible; the arrangement of the still visible material in science texts implies a process that, if it existed, would deny revolutions a function. 

C. But when combined with the generally unhistorical air of science writing and with the occasional systematic misconstruction, one impression is likely to follow. 

D. As pedagogy this technique of presentation is unexceptionable. 

6. Science has reached its present state by a series of individual discoveries and inventions that, when gathered together, constitute the modern body of technical knowledge.
Solution: The correct answer is: BADC

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