Test-Series - numerical

Test Number 35/39

Q: The difference between the compound interest and simple interest on a certain sum at 10% per annum for 2 years is Rs. 631. Find the sum.
A. 60100
B. 61100
C. 62100
D. 63100
Solution: Let the sum be Rs. x. Then,C.I. = x ( 1 + ( 10 /100 ))^2 - x = 21x / 100 ,S.I. = (( x * 10 * 2) / 100) = x / 5(C.I) - (S.I) = ((21x / 100 ) - (x / 5 )) = x / 100( x / 100 ) = 632 * x = 63100.Hence, the sum is Rs.63,100.
The correct answer is: D) 63100
Q: Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 15 minutes and 20 minutes respectively. Both the pipes are opened together but after 4 minutes, pipe A is turned off. What is the total time required to fill the tank?
A. 10 min. 20 sec.
B. 11 min. 45 sec.
C. 12 min. 30 sec
D. 14 min. 40 sec.
Solution: Part filled in 4 minutes =4(1/15+1/20) = 7/15   Remaining part =(1-7/15) = 8/15   Part filled by B in 1 minute =1/20 : 8/15 :: 1:x  x = (8/15*1*20) = 1023min = 10min 40sec The tank will be full in (4 min. + 10 min. + 40 sec.) = 14 min. 40 sec
The correct answer is: D) 14 min. 40 sec
Q: A man wants to sell his scooter .There are two offers one at Rs12000 cash and other at a credit of Rs12880 to be paid after 8 months ,money being at 18% per annum which is better offer?
A. Rs.12880
B. Rs.12000
C. Both are equally good
D. None of the above
Solution: PW of Rs.12,880 due 8 months hence   = Rs. [12880 x 100] / [100+(18 x 8/12)] =Rs.11500  Clearly 12000 in cash is a better offer.
The correct answer is: B) Rs.12000
Q: A large field of 700 hectares is divided into two parts. The difference of the areas of the two parts is one-fifth of the average of the two areas. What is the area of the smaller part in hectares?
A. 315
B. 385
C. 415
D. 485
Solution: Let the areas of the two parts be x and (700-x) hectares therefore, x-700-x=15x+700-x2  ⇒2x-700=70  ⇒x=385 So, the two parts are 385 and 315.  Hence, Area of the smaller = 315 hectares
The correct answer is: A) 315
Q: The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 18,000 in 2 years was Rs. 405. What was the rate of interest p.c.p.a. ?
A. 12%
B. 13%
C. 14%
D. 15%
Solution: Let the rate be R% p.a. Then,   18001+R1002-1800-1800*R*2100=405 1800100+R210000-1-2R100=405  1800100+R2-10000-200R10000=405 ⇔ 95*R2=405 ⇔R2=405*59=225⇔R=15 Rate = 15%.
The correct answer is: D) 15%
Q: The diference of two numbers is 20% of the larger number, if the smaller number is 20, then the larger number is :
A. 15
B. 25
C. 35
D. 45
Solution: Let the large number be x. Then x - 20 = 20x/100 => x - x/5 = 20  => x = 25.
The correct answer is: B) 25
Q: In a mixture of milk and water, there is only 26% water. After replacing the mixture with 7 liters of pure milk , the percentage of milk in the mixture  become 76%. The quantity of mixture is:
A. 65 liters
B. 91 liters
C. 38 liters
D. None of these
Solution:  Milk             Water           74%             26%        (initially)           76%             24%        ( after replacement)      Left amount = Initial amount 1-replaced amounttotal amount     24  = 261-7k => k = 91 
The correct answer is: B) 91 liters
Q: There are four hotels in a town. If 3 men check into the hotels in a day then what is the probability that each checks into a different hotel?
A. 1/2
B. 3/4
C. 4/7
D. 3/8
Solution: Total cases of checking in the hotels = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 ways. Cases when 3 men are checking in different hotels = 4×3×2 = 24 ways. Required probability =24/64  = 3/8
The correct answer is: D) 3/8

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