Test-Series - numerical

Test Number 38/39

Q: 7 9 19 18 31 29 Find the odd number in the given Number Series?
A. 31
B. 29
C. 18
D. 19
Solution: Here the given number series follows a pattern of two alternate series. 1. 7 19 31 ...(Difference of 12) 2. 9 18 27 ...(Difference of 9) Here the odd number is 29 instead of 27 And the next number is 31 + 12 = 43 & 27 + 9 = 36  
The correct answer is: B) 29
Q: In a group of 6 boys and 4 girls, four children are to be selected. In how many different ways can they be selected such that at least one boy should be there?
A. 209
B. 290
C. 200
D. 208
Solution: We may have (1 boy and 3 girls) or (2 boys and 2 girls) or (3 boys and 1 girl) or (4 boys).    Required number of ways = 6C1*4C3+6C2*4C2+6C3*4C1+6C4   = 6C1*4C1+6C2*4C2+6C3*4C1+6C2 = 209.
The correct answer is: A) 209
Q: In what time will Rs. 1000 become Rs. 1331 at 10% per annum compounded annually?
A. 1years
B. 2years
C. 3years
D. 4years
Solution: Principal = Rs. 1000; Amount = Rs. 1331; Rate = 10% p.a. Let the time be n years. Then,[ 1000 (1+ (10/100))^n ] = 1331 or (11/10)^n = (1331/1000) = (11/10)^3n = 3 years
The correct answer is: C) 3years
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In a college, t
Q: In a college, the ratio of the number of boys to girls is 8 : 5. If there are 160 girls, the total number of students in the college is
A. 100
B. 250
C. 260
D. 416
Solution: Let the number of boys and girls be 8x and 5x. Total number of students = 13x = 13 * 32 = 416.
The correct answer is: D) 416
Q: The difference between the squares of two consecutive odd integers is always divisible by ?
A. 8
B. 2
C. 6
D. 4
Solution: Let the two consecutive odd integers be (2x + 1) and (2x + 3)Then, (2x + 3)2 - (2x + 1)2 = (2x + 3 + 2x + 1) (2x + 3 - 2x - 1) = (4x + 4)(2)= 8 (x + 1), which is always divisible by 8
The correct answer is: A) 8
Q: Find the number of bricks, each measuring 24 cm x 12 cm x 8 cm, required to construct a wall 24 m long, 8m high and 60 cm thick, if 10% of the wall is filled with mortar?
A. 35000
B. 45000
C. 55000
D. 65000
Solution: Volume of the wall = (2400 x 800 x 60)  cu.cm     Volume of bricks   = 90% of the volume of the wall  = [(90/100) x 2400 x 800 x 60] cu.cm     Volume of 1 brick = (24 x 12 x 8)  cu.cm    Number of bricks = [(90/100) x (2400 x 800 x 60) ]/ (24 x 12 x 8) = 45000
The correct answer is: B) 45000
Q: The wages of labourers in a factory increases in the ratio 22:25 and there was a reduction in the number of labourers in the ratio 15:11. Find the original wage bill if the present bill is Rs. 5000 ?
A. Rs. 5500
B. Rs. 6000
C. Rs. 6200
D. Rs. 6350
Solution: The wages of labourers in a factory increases in the ratio 22:25 and there was a reduction in the number of labourers in the ratio 15:11. Find the original wage bill if the present bill is Rs 5000 ?Ratio of increase of wages = 22:25Ratio of decrease of labourers = 15:11Compound ratio of wages of labourers = 22 x 15 : 25 x 11 = 330:275Final bill = Rs. 5000For 275 ratio wages = Rs. 5000For 1 ratio wages = 5000/275For 330 ratio wages = 5000/275 x 330 = Rs. 6000
The correct answer is: B) Rs. 6000
Q: If the compound interest on a certain sum at 1623% to 3 years is Rs.1270, find the simple interest on the same sum at the same rate and f or the same period
A. 1080
B. 1090
C. 1180
D. 1109
Solution: Let the sum be Rs. x. Then,    C.I=x*50300*1003-x=343x216-x=127x216    ⇔127x216=1270    x=2160    Thus, the sum is Rs. 2160    S.I=Rs.2160*503*3*1100=Rs 1080
The correct answer is: A) 1080

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